Thursday 27 December 2012

Beer Yesterday - Home Today

Last day in Everton for Christmas and time to find space for the Christmas presents in the bags.  Mine are mostly books and DVDs so they fit in small places fairly easily.  The OH appears to have collected the usual three or four bottles of beer, but I'm sure they'll stand up somewhere.

Compared to some visits in the summer I've lasted quite well, only a cold sore on my lip, a couple of sores on my hands and fingers (the water is very hard and has always had this effect on my skin) and the usual painful ankle/knee/shoulder combo that seem to have made it harder than usual to get to sleep on the harder than accustomed bed. 

We did some gardening for my mum yesterday, nothing too complicated, just clearing dead flower stalks and creepers from her front plot.  My shoulder did ache more than normal last night, so that was probably why.  As a treat after gardening the OH and I walked around to the pub, the Blacksmith's Arms.  There was morris dancing, mulled wine and a hog roast.  The place was heaving - well done pub! 

Rattle Jag Morris at the Blacksmith's Arms, Everton, Notts Boxing Day 2012
I had a half of beer, Bateman's Rosey Nosey, a nice dark beer which helped keep me warm for the hour we stood and watched the dancing.  I was particularly impressed by two young (11ish) boys who clog danced - you often see young girls doing this sort of thing, but clog dancing was a male thing years ago and it seems right that boys are learning to do it.

Batemans Rosey Nosey Beer 4.9%abv
We have been given two recoloured films for Christmas, Holiday Inn and It's a Wonderful Life, so last night we watched the former and I got into the spirit even more with some more beer.  These were actually the first beers I've had all Christmas - I didn't go to the pub on Saturday with the OH and son/son in law/daughter in law, I stayed in and watched Strictly Come Dancing with my daughter and mum instead.

This time I had Hook Norton's Twelve Days - the bottle we bought in B&M last week.  Yummy.  Dark and malty - just the way I like them. 

Hook Norton Twelve Days 5.5% abv
A nice Christmassy end to the week here in Everton - just the packing to finish and we'll be off back to Barnsley.  I think there are some more bottles to take home too!  Yay!!

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