Saturday 31 August 2013

Week 1 - The Book of Me - Who Are You?

I am taking part in a sort of crowd blog thing - each week there will be a prompt and we have to write on that topic.  The idea is to build up an autobiographical record.  I think as a historian I spend a lot of time looking at other people's history and not a lot of time examining my own so I welcomed the chance to do this - however I will only be posting "edited highlights" to my blog as I'm sure you don't want to read all the details!

Information on the project can be found here.

Today's prompt - the first one - was to write twenty different answers to the question "Who am I?".  Bear in mind that my answers are a bit stream of consciousness as I thought that was the most honest way - and apparently the answers will change if you do the same exercise at a different point in your life.
I am a black clad middle-aged wannabe goth
I am an aspiring historian
I am a mum
I am a daughter
I am a wife
I am a techie geek
I am a heavy rock fan
I am a real ale drinker - but I like wine too
I am a science fiction fan
I am an avid reader
I am a friend
I am a trouble-maker
I am a perfectionist
I am/was a radiographer - but I've still got the certificate!
I am over 50
I am NOT vegetarian - but the OH is.
I am disabled - but I look OK about 75% of the time.
I am a gardener
I am paranoid about not upsetting the neighbours
I am skint - but not destitute

I think that has exhausted the topic for today.  Facebook is currently very busy and proving very apropos on the 'friends' front while I am playing with my new Flip Pal scanner (tech) scanning pictures of family and history which also feature in the list.  Oh and I've got a glass of wine, but I am at my mum's so I didn't buy it.

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