Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sorting Saturday - William Hutton Wordle

I saw this on someone else's Sorting Saturday Post and really liked it.

On the Wordle site you can either enter the title of your blog or paste in a whole batch of words.  I tried it with my blog but because I've done two posts in the last couple of days about the Bailey Family in Pendlebury those words came out the largest. 

I decided to paste in the text of one of the posts about my Hutton Family and chose the first one I did about William Hutton the Master Mariner.  I hoped that had more words that would feel important to me.

Wordle based on my William Hutton blog post (from Wordle)
Once it has thought about the words the relative sizes don't change, but by clicking the Randomise button you can try different arrangements, fonts and colours.  This one, in an Olde English style seems to suit the history element of my blog. 

It's the sort of thing you can stare at for ages - look there's his birth date down at 7 o'clock - Ancestry, highlighted in larger font at 1 o'clock, William is the largest of course, oddly Hutton is only medium sized in the middle, right next to Master.

Well I like it!

Here's a link to a page with some of my other blog wordles.

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