Thursday, February 14, 2013

Barnsley Soldiers in the First World War

Last year, when I was volunteering in the Barnsley Archives I asked about giving talks for the Friends of the Archives Group.  After a bit of checking around and such like I ended up offering to do a talk on Barnsley Soldiers in the First World War and they fitted me in the slot for the 11th March 2013.  That link you just passed goes to the Barnsley Town Talk page entry for my talk.  Well, I have to get better for that, it's a great incentive.

WW1 recuiting poster
Being a family historian that turned into a local historian I'll be covering Barnsley's take on the First World War from the view point of 3 of our lads who didn't come back and their families. 

I've got suggestions about what sort of things to look out for if you want to know more, a gallop through some of the records available in the Barnsley Archives (when it reopens) and on the internet and some information on taking a trip to see the Battlefields and War Graves in France and Belgium for yourselves.

It will be the first time I've done a public talk, but I did quite a few for the Barnsley Family History Society whilst I was on the committee there.  My background is in IT training and support - so you can depend on my Powerpoint working - and I recently did a teaching course.  I hope my talk won't be a lesson though!  My aim to provide an enjoyable and informative evening out.

See you there!

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