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Thursday, 28 October 2021
News about the 1921 census and how it might impact my academic plans
Some of the historians I follow on Twitter are complaining about the recently revealed starting prices for the Find My Past (FMP) release of...
Saturday, 16 October 2021
Happy Birthday Blog! How have things changed in the last nine years?
It's my blog's birthday today. I wrote my first post on 16 October 2012 . Happy 9th birthday blog! I just had a look at the original...
Monday, 23 August 2021
Why is Herbert Bethell, lost at Jutland in 1916, not on a War Memorial in Cudworth or Barnsley?
I have several reasons for writing this post: Herbert Bethell was born in Cudworth, which is not only in Barnsley, but also the village (?t...
Thursday, 12 August 2021
Child and Female Pallbearers in England: A Barnsley example following Jane White's mysterious death in 1870, with a deviation into the history of Cudworth
A year ago I wrote about the funeral of a seven year old girl , whose ten bearers were described in the newspaper as girl friends of the dec...
Tuesday, 20 July 2021
Public Engagement - Reactions to First World War Local History Posts on Facebook
Today I was very happy when a couple of posts I made on Facebook produced information useful for my research. As part of the research for m...
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