Monday, April 22, 2013

Come back sunshine - all is forgiven

After a couple of really nice days I thought spring had arrived ... but it was not to be.  This morning I woke to grey skies again and it's cold, so cold.

Last week I had some kind of bug, almost a cold, lots of sneezing and a bit of sniffling, but it didn't develop into anything much.  All the energy I had has gone again though and this morning I can add pains in my joints again, especially my left shoulder, right wrist and left big toe (it's not funny - such a little joint, but it makes walking ouchy!).  The shoulder is so bad I had trouble getting dressed - there's one for ATOS - I'm not even hungry and that's always a bad sign.  I eventually ate something at 2pm - followed by a rush to the toilet within half an hour - another bad sign.

Another hospital appointment landed on the doormat today - a nerve function test for 1st May.  The results of my abdominal scan were within normal limits, a bit of this and a bit of that, but nothing to worry about, said the other doctor's letter that came today too. 

Trying to be positive - they are still investigating - the helpful lady locum doctor may have left my local surgery, but the wheels she put in motion are still turning.

The day before yesterday I was going to sit outside in the sun and plant some vegetable seeds, I shouldn't have wasted that lovely day doing Open Uni revision.  The weather forecast looks poor for the next week or so - I think I might have to do indoor gardening.

Currently huddled on the bed, dressed, but wondering why as it was so much warmer IN bed.  The cat is snuggled against me, so at least my left knee is warm.  Just noticed the daffodils I brought in last week, when they were drooping from lack of rain, have died in the vase - says it all ...

1 comment:

Robyn said...

I think we must have hijacked the good weather down here this week - although it was even spitting with rain here by the time I got home tonight.

You were missed over the weekend! xx